Nobody in our day "makes a living" composing non-commercial serious art music. Those very few who may make such a claim still make the majority of their income through a combination of performing, teaching, or working in another field. Needless to say, serious composers don't go into it for the money. Writing, publishing, and recording music, in addition to being extremely time-consuming, are also rather expensive endeavours. Like many other people who write music in the tradition of high art, I do other things which allow me to pay my rent and give me a reasonable amount of time for the creative work I want to do, but for which nobody is paying me.

I'm sometimes asked what I charge for commissions, and my answer is that, with few exceptions, I normally decline. As odd as that might seem, not being beholden to the fulfillment of an expectation in exchange for money helps me to be able to write with what I consider to be the proper focus, dedicating what I write to God alone. Donations intended to support my composing are however welcome. Should you want to support me, please use one of the methods below. Thank you in advance.

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